Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
KalturaDeliveryProfile Inherited from KalturaDeliveryProfile
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
id int The id of the Delivery
partnerId int
name string V The name of the Delivery
type KalturaDeliveryProfileType V Delivery type
systemName string V System name of the delivery
description string V The description of the Delivery
createdAt int Creation time as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
updatedAt int Update time as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
streamerType KalturaPlaybackProtocol V
url string V
hostName string the host part of the url
status KalturaDeliveryStatus V
recognizer KalturaUrlRecognizer V
tokenizer KalturaUrlTokenizer V
isDefault KalturaNullableBoolean True if this is the systemwide default for the protocol
parentId int the object from which this object was cloned (or 0)
mediaProtocols string V Comma separated list of supported media protocols. f.i. rtmpe
priority int V priority used for ordering similar delivery profiles
extraParams string V Extra query string parameters that should be added to the url
supplementaryAssetsFilter KalturaAssetFilter V A filter that can be used to include additional assets in the URL (e.g. captions)
enforceDeliveriesSupport string V
KalturaDeliveryProfileVod Inherited from KalturaDeliveryProfileVod
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
simuliveSupport bool V
KalturaDeliveryProfileVodPackagerPlayServer Inherited from KalturaDeliveryProfileVodPackagerPlayServer
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
adStitchingEnabled bool V
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
allowFairplayOffline bool V
supportFmp4 bool V